Neurocine 3-day seminar PROGRAM May 5-7

Each speaker 30 mins followed by Q/A (15 min). Prgoram may be subject to changed.

All talks wre at Maximus Auditorium, Astra Building, ground floor (room A-002).

Address: Tallinn University, Narva road 27; to arrive take tram 1 or 3 to Kadriorg park direction.


9:30-10:00  Registration

10:00-12:30 Workshop: Maude Sills-Néron Creating cognitive overload: image density in the script (2:30 min in a separate lecture room, not online – max 10-20 participants) (N-207, Nova Building, 2nd floor)

12:30-13:30 Lunch break

13.30-15.30 Josie Barnard The Multimodal Writer: on storytelling and writing visuals (room A-002, Astra Building, Auditorium Maximus)

19:00 Friday night dinner for gathering together (self-paid) – welcome. Restaurant Must Puudel (Black Poodle) in Tallinn Old Town 19.00. The address is Kuninga 4, 10146 Tallinn Here is a Google Maps link to the place:



09.00-09.30 Registration with refreshments

09.30-9:45 Opening words – Pia Tikka & Elen Lotman

9:45-10.30 Tony Costa How three cinematographers shoot the same scene differently. 

10.30-11.15 Elen Lotman Perceptual professionalization – eye tracking pilot experiment. 

11.15-11:30 Mingling & refreshments

11.30-12.15  Sampsa Huttunen Ecological Approach to Cinematographic Lighting of Human Face—a Pilot Study

12.15-13:00 Maarten Coegnarts Shaping films from the inside-out: Embodied mental schemas in filmmaking- and viewing. 

13.00-14:00 Lunch break

14.00-14:45 Katrin Heimann – Microphenomenology and VR  (online talk)

14.45-15.30  Robert McNamara Artificial Humans in Storytelling and its Ethical Implications (online talk)

15:30-16:00 Mingling & refreshments

16.00-18:00 Discussion roundtable with the audience – opportunities and pitfalls in designing small pilot experiments involving filmmakers. How to empower filmmakers to do experimental studies and through it to bring their tacit knowledge into science

Dinner for gathering together (self-paid) –

Radisson hotel, MEKK Restaurant, address Rävala pst 3, 10143 Tallinn at 19:00





09.00-9:30 Refreshments

9:30-10.15 Mircea Valeriu Deaca POV shots in light of Cognitive Grammar (online talk)

10.15-11:00 Mehmet Burak The emotional and perceptual functions of different camera movements. 

11:00-11:30 Screening of Maarten Coëgnarts’ visual essay – stay tuned also online

11.30-12:30 Lunch break

12:30-13.15 Iiro Jääskeläinen Online assessment of emotional and cognitive states of movie viewers with neuroimaging: a tool for testing whether the minds of the viewership synchronize with the mind of the director?

13:15-14:00  Jaime Lopez Diez Diegetic and non-diegetic surprises, and their effect on liking, long-term recall and comprehension in narrative television commercials.

14:00-14:15 Mingling & refreshments

14.15-15:00 Juha Salmitaival How VR can be used in clinical assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders (online talk)

15:00 -15.45 Assim Kalouaz Contribution of priming on the emotional appraisal of VR experiences  (online talk)

15.45-16:00  Mingling & refreshments

16.00-18.30 Film screening  ( “Sleeping Beast”,  (100 mindir. Jack Kilmi, DoP Elen Lotman, Stellar Film (EST), Locomotive Studio (LAT)