Talk at « Art Interactif Numérique et Sciences Cognitives » Journée d’étude Octobre 14, 2022 l’Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, Valenciennes

« Art Interactif Numérique et Sciences Cognitives »

Journée d’étude Octobre 14, 2022

Au bâtiment Matisse de l’Université Polytechnique Hauts de France, Valenciennes

Avec expositions des artistes


Pia Tikka: Designing enactive co-precence with humanlike characters in narrative contexts

The scope of technologies available to filmmakers is expanding and apparently opening new avenues of storytelling. My focus is on the application of new findings in the fields of psychophysiological tracking and machine learning in order to create virtual characters, whose behavior resembles that of humans in the most natural ways.

In this talk I will share some recent updates in this fast developing domain and discuss their possible applications to the co-presence of human participants and humanlike virtual characters in narrative contexts. This  implies a range of multidisciplinary challenges. The core research question is what types of roles can the filmmaker give to machine learning and psycho-physiological tracking in the process of creating humanlike behaviors in narrative settings. The discussion draws from the holistic embodied approach to the mind,  which in my view provides useful explanatory frames for my claims. The talk aims to inspire discussions related to the use of adaptive artificial characters in the future of virtual storytelling.