Pia Tikka & Mati Mõttus worked 03.-07.10. with filmmaker and researcher Marie-Laure Cazin in Paris, Saint Maurice on the experimental psycho-physiological study where Cazin’s VR film “Freud’s Last Hypnosis” is viewed by French speaking participants. The currently on-going multidisciplinary art-science study is a natural extension of Cazin’s EU Mobilitas Pluss Postdoc year at the Enactive Virtuality Lab (09/2021-08/2022; a separate report t.b.d.). The target is a joint paper with Enactive Virtuality team, Cazin and Nantes University researchers. As Cazin’s VR film is a well-designed cinematic story that has strong emotional and intellectual components that trigger VR viewers’s affective-cognitive processes, it provides the MOBTT90 team with a perfect study case.
During the week in Paris we worked on analysis of the interviews of participants and the analysis of collected data, as well as the structure of the joint paper (in preparation). In this project we measure eye-movements, heart rate and skin conductance as indicators of dynamically changing mental states of the viewers, and the collected data is correlated with the annotations of the individual eye-tracking data layered on top of the performance video recording. Furthermore, these are related with the in person interview material collected by Cazin.

We are excited to collect new data with François BOUFFARD and colleagues at the Nantes Univ, Halle 6 – Pôle Universitaire interdisciplinaire des cultures numériques, in early December.

On the 6.10. Pia Tikka, Mati Mõttus and Marie Cazin did a three hour seminar with presentations of on our MOBTT90 research invited by prof. Jean-Marie Dallet at the École des arts de la Sorbonne, UNIVERSITÉ PARIS 1 PANTHÉON-SORBONNE.